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How to understand and read mandarin chinese

19. Sidney Green Case Study

Podcast Duration: 00:44:21

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The Mandarin Blueprint Podcast focuses primarily on The Mandarin Blueprint Method online curriculum. Creators Luke Neale & Phil Crimmins answer questions and comments, discuss topics related to China and Mandarin learning, and have special guests.

19. Sidney Green Case Study

00:20 – Who is Sidney and why is he studying Chinese 

08:45 – What was the biggest problem in his Chinese learning journey 

16:15 – Christian community in China

19:50 – What three parts of the Mandarin Blueprint Method had made the biggest impact on Sidney

27:36 – What Sidney likes about the character learning method

37:18 – What Sidney achieved with our method

41:00 – And what was he skeptical about?

7 May, 2019