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Episode 169 - The Mandarin Blueprint Advanced Course Released

169. Mandarin Blueprint Advanced Course Released

Podcast Duration: 00:49:06

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The Mandarin Blueprint Podcast focuses primarily on The Mandarin Blueprint Method online curriculum. Creators Luke Neale & Phil Crimmins answer questions and comments, discuss topics related to China and Mandarin learning, and have special guests.

169. The Mandarin Blueprint Advanced Course Released

0:00 Affiliate Link & Reviews

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9:54 Comments & Emails

Liana Pigeot by Community

Is it a good idea to do a flash card review right after a session of lessons? I tend to do a review just after I stop lessons as a way to remember what I just learned, but given the way flashcards expect you to wait a day before a review maybe it’s better to wait a day to test my memory?

Basically I review them at the start of the day, and at the end of the day whenever I’m done with lessons for today. I don’t know if it’s a good idea or not


Andy Williams by Community

Hi. I am sampling your course. I’m particularly interested in the pronunciation section. I have tried a number of methods to learn Chinese. I am currently working with a private teacher using the text book Integrated Chinese. Based upon my experiences I think it’s pretty good. A big thing I find lacking from online courses like yours is the lack of feedback you can get from a private teacher. Please comment on this. Also please give me your thoughts about how I can use your course to supplement my study with my private teacher.



Annette Bicknell on Level 24 Complete

For some reason the dialogues are easier to understand than the paragraphs. Perhaps because each response relies on the context of the previous said statement? I don’t know, just find it curious.


Anne Giles ? on Vocab Unlocked from 次: 这次 – 那次 – 一次 – 上次 – 下次 – 下次见 – 几次 – 每次

Wish I had a screenshot of my face the first time one of my online teachers said something like this! Have I got the characters and order correct?

Xià cì zài shuō nàgè dì yī gè cí.
One more time again, say that first word.


Anne Giles ? on Vocab Unlocked from 放: 放下 – 放心 – 放学

Would this be “Don’t worry, relax”?


Bù dānxīn, fàngxīn.


Richard Krause on Vocab Unlocked from 论

Although all the words are quite easy, I can’t quite understand the implied meaning of “你来,我不去接你。你走,不论风大雨大我都去送你。”


Andy Williams on Problem Initials ZH, CH, SH & R Overview

I have a few questions. Should the tongue touch the roof of the mouth? I assume the position described is the starting point. What is the end point of the tongue? What happens to the tongue as the sound is being pronounced?



William Sheppard on Vocab Unlocked from 场

It’s probably best not to search 现场 in google, it’s pretty graphic.


John McCann on (BONUS) The Drawbacks of Having Bad Pronunciation

Yes agree with Michael McElligott, I am rebooting from the beginning with pronunciation revision. You are both excellent speakers. What lured me to the course was a brief video with Luke who I thought was a CHinese Buddhist monk, you both speak with such perfect Beijinger accents, that reviewing pronunciation is not a waste of time, especially since I am concurrently studying French,,which has its own pronunciation issues and slurs words together, but studying the two languages at the same time presents no problems. This is fun! And I love TRAVERSe so much easier to use than ANKI- thanks for making the switch.


Michael Maleedy on Simple Final E: 的 de,他的 tāde,她的妈妈 tāde māma,她的爸爸 tāde bàba

Really enjoying the course. I have a question, though.I cannot differentiate between the sounds of chī (eat) and chē (car) Any advice?


Micaela Ellison on “Problem” Initials Overview

Yes, I’m finding (re-finding) lots of pearls of wisdom to think about as I practice the graded reading content from Phase 4. Rewatching this course should be a requirement for the later phases of the foundation course! Of course, that may slow people down more than they would like.


Micaela Ellison on 下课 in Context

周一到周三我们四点半才下课,但是别的时间我们三点就下课了。Does the use of 才 and 就 here relate to the comparison of late versus early? So if I wanted to change the sentence to mean “Mon thru Wed we get out of class at 3:00, but the rest of the time we don’t get out until 4:30,” then I would need to switch the placement of 就 and 才, not just the time. For example: 周一到周三我们三点就下班,但是别的时间我们四点半才下课了。I assume I could also start the sentence with 从?


Anne Giles ? on Vocab Unlocked from 笑: 搞笑 – 开玩笑

When I describe my 中国客人 zhōngguó kèrén as only wanting to speak English, not Chinese – an overstatement! – could I be said to trying to 开玩笑 in order to be 搞笑? 如果他笑了, might I infer that the person had fun 好玩儿 hǎowár?

I have wondered how to say, “I had fun!” Would it be, “我有好玩儿"?

Thanks if you can help!


Makai Allbert on 刀子 in Context


Is there a construction we can look for pertaining to “一看到” in the future? At first glance, I’d read this as “One caught sight of…” rather than “as soon as”.


Micaela Ellison on 我也想找男朋友

可是我最近常常加班,哪有时间去约会。Is the use of 哪有 here similar to Usage 3 for “哪儿 in context” from Level 20 to express negation? So the second half of this sentence would translate to something like “where is the time to go on a date” or “there is no time to go on a date.”


Rick Angleland on Vocab Unlocked from 放: 放下 – 放心 – 放学

Does 放学 differ in meaning from 下课 and 下学?


Lynn Ford on Vocab Boost 认可 认得 懂得 取得


I am having trouble understanding what 才行 is in this sentence. I keep going over it and it just seems weird placement and doesn’t make sense to me.


Jeff Johnson on 开会 in Context

一会儿 throws me off.
So I looked up the lesson were you talked about 儿 being added to the end. But that didn’t shed a lot of light on this. I’m not really sure what the 儿 is doing there or how 一 works here.


Kate Gans on Vocab Unlocked from 光

For this sentence: 他这个人很光明,这件坏事一定不是他做的。

Why is 这个人 placed after 他?

Why not 他很光明,这件坏事一定不是他做的。
