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Mandarin for Parents: Teaching Your Child Chinese at Home

teaching children chinese

Giving your child the gift of a second language is one of the most valuable things you can do. Learning a new language opens doors to different cultures, boosts brain power, and can even create exciting opportunities down the road. If you’re drawn to Mandarin Chinese’s richness and global importance, you might be wondering how to start teaching Chinese to children at home.

While teaching children Chinese might sound intimidating, it doesn’t have to be. With a little creativity and the right approach,  you can turn learning Chinese into a fun and fulfilling experience for you and your child — no matter your own Chinese language level. 

In this article, we’ll walk you through some great tips and tricks for how to teach Chinese to children successfully, making it a positive and enduring part of your family’s life.

Setting the groundwork for success

Before you jump into songs and stories, it’s important to lay a foundation for a successful Chinese learning journey at home. Here are three key elements to keep in mind:

Start early

Children’s brains are incredibly adaptable, making them fantastic language sponges. The earlier you introduce Chinese, the more natural it will feel for your child. They’ll have an easier time mastering those tricky tones and developing a more authentic accent. Don’t worry if you feel your child is too young — even simple exposure at a young age can spark an interest that grows over time.

Create a positive mindset

Learning Chinese should be fun for both you and your child. Avoid turning it into a chore.  If your child sees you enjoying the process and celebrating their progress, they’ll be more motivated to learn.  Focus on praise and encouragement, turning Mandarin time into a special bonding experience.

Consistency is key

Rather than long, infrequent study sessions, aim for short but frequent encounters with Chinese throughout your day. A few minutes daily is better for language acquisition than one long session per week. Think of it as little bursts of Chinese integrated into your daily routines and play.

Fun and engaging learning methods

Fun and engaging learning methods

The best way to excite your child about Chinese is to make it feel like play. Here are some fun techniques that align with how kids naturally learn.

Songs and rhymes

Music is a powerful tool for language learning, especially for young children. Find catchy songs and rhymes that introduce basic Chinese vocabulary, simple phrases, and the all-important tones. Explore child-focused YouTube channels and websites for a wealth of engaging musical content. Singing along with Chinese songs together makes learning feel less like work and more like a shared, joyful activity.


Incorporate Chinese into playtime with a variety of games. A classic game of charades is perfect for practicing vocabulary words. Play an adapted version of  “I Spy” where you describe items around the house in Chinese, encouraging your child to guess the object. 

Explore traditional Chinese games as a way to engage with the language and the culture. Don’t be afraid to modify familiar games to add a Chinese twist.


Stimulate a love of the language and a sense of Chinese culture through storytelling. Choose engaging picture books with simple text and colorful illustrations. Focus on enjoying the story, pointing out pictures, and asking basic questions like “What color is this?” or “Where is the dog?” in Chinese. 

Even if your own Chinese is quite basic, expose your child to the rhythm and sounds of the language, gradually building their comprehension skills. Libraries often have a foreign language section, and great online bookstores specialize in Chinese children’s literature.

Additional tips:

  • Visuals: Flashcards, posters around the house, or labeling common objects with Chinese characters are excellent ways to reinforce vocabulary visually.
  • Chinese cartoons: Age-appropriate Chinese cartoons or shows with subtitles can expose your child to spoken Chinese in a way that’s entertaining and immersive.

Making it immersive

Songs and games are a great start, but to truly help your child absorb the language, aim to make Chinese a natural part of their environment. Never forget that immersion is the open secret of language learning, so it’s one of the best ways to encourage you and your child’s development. Here are some ways to increase the immersion factor.

Chinese in Daily Life

Incorporate Chinese into your daily routines seamlessly.  Beyond basic greetings and mealtime phrases, consider:

  • Getting dressed: Use Chinese words for clothing items — colors, types of clothes, etc.
  • Narrate your actions: Provide a running commentary in simple Chinese “妈妈在做饭” (Mama is cooking) while carrying out household tasks.

Don’t be afraid to start small, even with a focus on single words and phrases!  Consistent exposure is key.

Cultural activities

Connect the language to its beautiful and rich cultural context:

  • Beyond Chinese New Year: Explore other festivals like the Mid-Autumn Festival or Dragon Boat Festival. Learn about their origins and traditions together.
  • Creative exploration: Experiment with Chinese arts and crafts — knot tying, Chinese painting styles, or making simple paper lanterns.

Connect with other learners

Seek out opportunities to make Chinese a social experience for your child:

  • Playgroups and meetups: Find Chinese-speaking playgroups or family meetups — many larger cities have them.
  • Online language partners: Consider finding a language exchange partner for your child, where they can practice Chinese with a native speaker kid their age over video calls.
  • Community events: Attend cultural events hosted by Chinese community centers, local schools, or libraries for engaging exposure to Chinese music, performances, and more.

Building a community around Chinese learning makes it more vibrant and lasting for your child.

Resources for parents

Resources for parents

Learning Chinese alongside your child can be an incredibly enriching experience for both of you. Here are some resources that can help you on your way:

Mandarin Blueprint’s resources

If you want to deepen your own understanding of Chinese to better support your child, Mandarin Blueprint offers several valuable options:

  • Pronunciation mastery: This course is perfect if you want to confidently model accurate pronunciation for you and your child. You’ll learn the foundation of Chinese sounds and tones, enhancing your ability to communicate.

Other resources

Beyond Mandarin Blueprint, the internet is full of fantastic tools for parents teaching Chinese:

  • Online dictionaries: Pleco, Hanping, and other apps offer translations as well as pinyin (romanized Chinese) and stroke order demonstrations for characters.
  • Websites and apps: Explore resources like Little Fox Chinese for interactive lessons, stories, and activities designed for kids.
  • YouTube channels: Find channels dedicated to Chinese lessons for children, offering songs, basic vocabulary lessons, or introductions to Chinese culture in a fun format.

Important tip 1: When choosing resources, start with basic, child-oriented ones. Complex tools can be intimidating for beginners, so focus on those that are easy to navigate and use.

Offline resources

  • Chinese children’s books: Local libraries or online bookstores specializing in Chinese children’s books (search for reputable ones) open up a world of stories for you and your child.
  • Community resources: Seek local Chinese schools, cultural centers, or community groups. They may offer children’s classes, events, or resources to support your at-home learning.

Important: Always preview any resource before introducing it to your child to ensure it’s appropriate for their age and learning stage.

Learning Chinese together: A rewarding journey for you and your child

Learning Chinese with your child is a wonderful decision.  Not only are you giving them a head start on a challenging but incredibly rewarding language, but you’re also bonding over a shared learning experience. Remember, progress takes time — celebrate every milestone, big or small.  Learning Chinese as a family creates memories that will last a lifetime, opening your child’s world and yours.

Ready to take your Chinese learning adventure to the next level?

Whether it’s brushing up on your own skills to help your child or figuring out where they could use a helping hand, Mandarin Blueprint’s FREE Mandarin Fluency Scorecard is a fantastic tool. This quick assessment pinpoints where your child stands and highlights the areas where focused practice can lead to the most significant improvement.

Picture the confidence your child will gain as they see their Chinese skills blossom. A personalized report gives you a clear roadmap of where to concentrate your learning efforts for maximum impact and continued motivation.

Why wait? Take charge of your child’s Mandarin journey today.

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